Exterior Painting
Exterior painting is one of the most quick, affordable options out there to improve your home’s curb appeal. When performed correctly, a high-quality exterior paint job can maintain its beauty and durability for years to come and may even improve the value of your home.
Many people watch do-it-yourself home improvement shows on television and think they understand the exterior painting process, but they often don’t realize that there are a number of steps required to ensure a high-quality result. When you neglect to properly prepare or use the wrong products or tools, you risk seriously damaging your home.
At Medias Painting, we take the stress out of maintaining your home’s exterior and provide painting, staining, repair, and finishing services that meet even the highest standards. As part of your estimate, we’ll explore the range of paint and stain options, the intended use of certain products, and the pros and cons of each treatment so that you know exactly what to expect upon beginning your project.
Exterior Painting for All Surfaces
Different exterior surfaces, including drywall, plaster, stucco, brick, and wood, require special considerations. To achieve a durable, long-lasting paint job, we have the expertise needed to carefully prepare your home’s exterior surfaces and choose the right products for the job.
We can prepare and paint many materials and surfaces, including:
- Wood, aluminum, and vinyl siding
- Dormers
- Overhangs
- Soffits
- Railings
- Columns
- Windows, doors, and trim
- Gutters
- Decks
- Exterior shutters
- Concrete, stucco, brick
- And much more!
Thoroughness and Precision in Exterior Painting
Whatever part of your home’s exterior needs attention, you can expect Medias Painting’s thorough exterior painting process to give your home the protection it deserves.
Power Washing
All buildings have dirt, algae, mildew, cobwebs, or debris that will need to be removed before any new products can be applied. To prepare your home for exterior painting ensure the paint goes on smoothly and adheres properly, we utilize power washing. Our skilled experts use special chemicals, cleaning solutions, and professional tools to effectively remove these impurities, then allow the time necessary for the surface to dry properly. At Medias Painting Contractor, we take our time to ensure the project is completed the right way, so we never power wash and paint on the same day.
Scraping and Minor Wood Repair
After power washing, loose paint must be removed to ensure proper product adhesion. We accomplish this by scraping the surface with knives or wire brushes to get rid of peeling, loose, or bubbling paint. This step is essential for creating a smooth surface for painting. It can get messy, but don’t worry — our team will clean up after they’re done.
In addition to removing old paint, we also perform minor wood repairs, including nailing down loose boards.
After all the prep work is completed, your home will be ready for priming. Our specialists use premium bonding primers, sealing the surface of your home and providing a solid foundation for other products.
Different materials and surfaces, including metal, rust, bare wood, water stains, and new carpentry, require special considerations during the priming process. For example, plywood surfaces, which are prone to cracking in certain weather conditions, need to be primed with a special product that bridges these cracks. Our contractors can determine the right products to use to prepare each of these surfaces for painting.
Caulking and Glazing
The next step in the process is caulking seams, joints, nail holes, and wood joints. We utilize siliconized latex caulk, which is known for its durability and longevity. Furthermore, if there’s any loose glazing, we remove it to ensure a tight seal and reduce the risk of air leaks or moisture penetration in vulnerable areas.
Painting or Staining
A change in color is a great way to revitalize your home and improve its curb appeal; however, be aware that if you are a member of a homeowners’ association, you will need to seek approval for any color changes before beginning an exterior painting project.
To make sure you’re pleased with the shades used for your exterior painting project, we recommend using color samples and provide fan decks for you to peruse. You can also access online tools from different suppliers’ websites to help you visualize your color scheme, but remember that the way colors are displayed on your screen may be different than how they appear in real life.
Once you’ve chosen the perfect colors, our painting professionals will utilize various painting tools and techniques to bring your vision to life and ensure your home looks great for years to come.
Your Trusted Exterior Painting Contractor
With decades of experience, Medias Painting has earned a reputation of trustworthiness, quality, and efficiency. Contact us today to see what makes us Fredericksburg, Stafford, Spotsylvania, King George, Prince William, Woodbridge, and Lorton’s premier exterior painting company.